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Press Conference Wrap UP : 2024 WA Chinese New Year Ball

Press Conference Wrap UP : 2024 WA Chinese New Year Ball

It’s Time To Celebrate, Connect & Prosper



On the afternoon of 17 November 2023, in a momentous announcement at a well-attended press conference, the Western Australian Chinese Chamber of Commerce (WACCC) alongside Chung Wah and the Australia-China Friendship Society (ACFS), launched the highly anticipated 2024 WA Chinese New Year Ball, set to be a pivotal social and corporate event in the 2024 calendar.


Scheduled for 19 February 2024 , this ball promises to be a dazzling showcase of culture and international harmony. The event’s inception was revealed by WACCC President Tony Chong, who paid tribute to Sam Lim MP for his visionary proposal that sparked this grand celebration. It’s a testament to the collaborative spirit of the Chinese community in Western Australia.

The Importance of the 2024 WA Chinese New Year Ball



WACCC President Tony Chong how important it would be to have the whole Chinese community united to ring in the year of the dragon. He emphasised the rarity and significance of this event, especially regarding its collaborations. WACCC, Australian China Friendship Society and Chung Wah have never celebrated Chinese New Year together, but now they have united for this special occasion. This grand ball isn’t just a festivity; it’s a showcase of diversity and the unifying power of the Chinese New Year, resonating not only within Western Australia but across the globe. 


Mr Chong also emphasised how important it was for the community to go out and spead the news of the event. The theme of unity is at the forefront of the mind of WACCC, and plans to make 2024 the year of unity for Chinese-Western Australians. 


Following Mr. Wu’s compelling address, Ting Chen, the President of Chung Wah encouraged attendees to become ambassadors of this grand event, by again focusing on their commitment to unity in 2024. He emphasised the significance of spreading the word about the 2024 WA Chinese New Year Ball, inviting a wider audience to partake in this extraordinary celebration of culture, trade, and unity.



Continuing the momentum, Simon Wu captivated the audience with his insightful elaboration on the profound impact of the event. He highlighted its role in fostering people-to-people trade exchanges, a concept that resonates deeply with this year’s theme of  ‘Prospering Together’.



This event stands out as a beacon of cultural collaboration, promising to be an unforgettable experience that highlights the beauty of diversity and the strength of unity. The WA Chinese New Year Ball is poised to be more than just an event; it’s a milestone in cultural relations and a celebration of shared prosperity and friendship between nations.


Event Details, Sponsorship & Tickets

This event promises to be a landmark in promoting cultural exchange, economic cooperation, and communal prosperity. It’s more than just a ball; it’s a testament to the power of collaboration and mutual understanding. We eagerly anticipate your participation in what promises to be a night  to celebrate, connect and prosper.

If you are looking to promote your business or organisation, we encourage you to become a sponsor for the ball. The benefits are well rewarding, but there are limited placements.

If you are interested to be a sponsor, you can do so here. Please contact Jialin on jialin.ang@waccc.com.au for more details.

We encourage everyone to check our website and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn for more details about the event, including information on ticket purchases and regular updates.


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