Joint Youth Networking
The next Joint Youth Networking event will be held on Tuesday, 13 September at the 18 Knots Rooftop Bar on Barrack Square. This event’s joint organisers are the WA Chinese Chamber of Commerce and the Chung Wah Association.
The event is open to members of the two associations, their friends, and anyone interested to find out more these two associations. While this is a youth orientated event, we do not draw any line on age and you are welcomed to attend if you believe you belong. You do however need to be old enough to enter a licensed venue.
Cost: Free entrance. Cash bar available.
Registration: RSVP by Mon, 12 Sep.
Public Health Advice
The Chamber supports and adheres to our State Government’s Public Health and Social Measures. We request all attendees to our Wednesday Networking event to observe the following guidance:
- Do not attend if you are unwell, or are subjected to isolation protocol
- Wearing of mask welcomed but not mandatory
Note: These Public Health and Social Measures may change from time to time, to comply with the latest advice from the State Government