2024 移民的故事 The Migrant’s Story
“The Migrant’s Story” a bilingual event, has consistently attracted a large and diverse audience. Established over 20 years ago during a significant wave of Asian immigration to Western Australia, the event was created in response to the influx of migrants seeking new business and investment opportunities in the region.
This event showcases inspiring stories from migrant speakers who have overcome challenges and achieved remarkable success in their professional journeys in Australia. Through personal accounts, they share the hurdles they’ve faced and the determination that led them to thrive in a new and foreign land.
The core motivation of “The Migrant’s Story” is to inspire and empower attendees, especially new migrants, by highlighting the achievements of those who have turned adversity into opportunity. It serves as a platform for learning, networking, and fostering a sense of community among Western Australia’s multicultural population. The event continues to be a beacon of hope, showing that with resilience, hard work, and the right support, success is attainable regardless of one’s background.
移民的故事是西澳中华总商会唯一以双语(中、英文)进行的活动。活动始于20多年前,当时大批亚洲移民涌入西澳寻求商业和投资机会。 活动邀请成功的移民人士分享他们的个人故事,透过宝贵的经验和见解的分享,激发新移民为自己创造一个成功的生活,事业和商业。
Mr BJ Zhuang AM, FAIIM – Fellow, Australian Institute of Management
DoubleTree Waterfront – 1 Barrack Square, Perth WA6000
Ticket price:
WACCC Member – $168 incl. GST
Non-Member – $208 incl. GST
Table of 10 – $1680 incl. GST
Sponsorship opportunities are available. Please contact JiaLin at jialin.ang@waccc.com.au